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Resource: Book (B4969) Birth of a White Nation: The Invention of White People and Its Relevance Today     
Author: Battalora, Jacqueline
Publisher: Strategic Book Publishing, 2013
Length: 128 pages
Subjects: Social Concerns
Location: Social Justice shelves
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9781622127221
Description: Birth of a White Nation is a fascinating book on race in America that begins with an exploration of the moment in time when "white people," as a separate and distinct group of humanity, were invented through legislation and the enactment of laws. The book provides a thorough examination of the underlying reasons as well as the ways in which "white people" were created. It also explains how the creation of this distinction divided laborers and ultimately served the interests of the elite. The book goes on to examine how foundational law and policy in the U.S. were used to institutionalize the practice of "white people" holding positions of power. Finally, the book demonstrates how the social construction and legal enactment of "white people" has ultimately compromised the humanity of those so labeled. Jacqueline Battalora was born in Edinburg, Scotland and lived in Antwerp, Belgium for six years before her family relocated to Victoria, Texas. It was this experience of attending high school and middle school in
Victoria that informed her understanding of race in America. While she is currently a lawyer and professor of sociology and criminal justice at Saint Xavier University, she is also a former Chicago Police officer. She holds a Ph.D. from Northwestern University and has been engaged in anti-racist training since the mid 1990s. Publisher's website: http: //

Age Groups: Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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